Mary wakes up at seven o'clock everyday then she goes to the bathroom she takes a shower and then she has breakfast at about eight o'clock she goes to work, Okay. Vamos ver se você se lembra? Mary without at seven every day, a and then she goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Right! After that she has breakfast in at eight o'clock. She goes to work.
Qualquer adjetivo pode ser usado para se fazer perguntas em inglês. Exemplos: ● How tall are you? ● How fast are you? How big are you? ● How nice is my girlfriend? ● How far is Avaré from São Paulo? ● How fun is the circus? ● How fun is the party? ● How handsome (bonito para homem) is ...? ● How bad was the party? ● How bad was the movie? ● How fast is the car? ● How safe is the car? As frases acima são a forma correta de se fazer perguntas em inglês. É bom treinar corretamente, porque é muito difícil perder o vício de falar o inglês aportuguesado, depois de acostumarmos.
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