Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
That grow so incredibly high
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
And you're gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Picture yourself on a train in a station
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties
Suddenly, someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Hino à Bandeira do Brasil
Brazilian Flag Anthem
Salve lindo pendão da esperança!
Salve símbolo augusto da paz
Tua nobre presença à lembrança
A grandeza da Pátria nos traz.
Hail, precious banner of hope!
Hail, august symbol of peace!
Thy noble presence to our minds
The greatness of our motherland does bring.
Recebe o afeto que se encerra
em nosso peito juvenil,
Querido símbolo da terra,
Da amada terra do Brasil!
Take the affection enclosed
In our youthful chest,
Dear symbol of the land,
Of the beloved land of Brazil!
Em teu seio formoso retratas
Este céu de puríssimo azul,
A verdura sem par destas matas,
E o esplendor do Cruzeiro do Sul.
In thy beauteous bosom portraits
This sky of purest blue,
The unrivalled greenness of these forests,
And the splendor of the Southern Cross.
Contemplando o teu vulto sagrado,
Compreendemos o nosso dever,
E o Brasil por seus filhos amado,
poderoso e feliz há de ser!
Beholding thy sacred shadow,
We understand our duty,
And Brazil loved by its children,
Powerful and happy shall be!
Sobre a imensa nação brasileira,
Nos momentos de festa ou de dor,
Paira sempre sagrada bandeira,
Pavilhão da justiça e do amor!
Over the great Brazilian Nation,
In times of happiness or grief,
Hovers always the sacred flag,
Pavilion of justice and love!